Verification Services

Verifying education and employment in background screening ensures a candidate's qualifications and experience match the job requirements, maintaining organizational integrity.
What Is Obtained?

Liberty will verify your applicant’s past employment, dates & positions held, reason for leaving & eligibility for rehire.

Employment Verification

Employment verification should be the cornerstone of any good screening program. Statistics show that more than half of the resumes received by HR Executives contained exaggerated or even fraudulent information.

Education Verification

Verification of education credentials is a vital step in the screening process. These verifications are time consuming and can be prone to error if not done correctly. You can trust the team at Liberty Screening to get the job done right and in a timely manner.

What Is Obtained?

Liberty will verify your applicants' dates of attendance, and diploma or degree earned from the institutions provided.

DOT Compliance References

Liberty will provide a Department of Transportation compliant verification of any specified level of an applicant's three-year employment history.