Criminal Records Search

The results of a criminal records search increase the quality of the applicants you hire.

Statewide Criminal Records
What Information is obtained?
Statewide searches are available in select states where centralized systems have been put in place for each county court to report their data. Unregulated content and timing of court reporting affects the quality of the data, especially its completeness and currency. Liberty recommends that a statewide criminal check be used in conjunction with the county level criminal records search. The statewide criminal search is not available in all states.

Why perform this Search?
History has proven that previous criminal history is the greatest indicator of whether an individual has a propensity for further acts of violence and theft. Statistics show that 80% of convicted criminals are repeat offenders. Your employees are one of the most valuable parts of your company. Proper screening of new employees helps to ensure that you are not putting current employees at risk from an individual with a history of violence or theft.

Quick Check National Criminal Records Search

What Information is obtained?

Liberty's Quick Check provides you with instant results from our database of over 245 Million Criminal and Sex Offender Records. Quick Check data includes: National Criminal Records search, Statewide Criminal History/Records from 21 states, National Sex Offender Records from 51 states, Department of Correction Records from 43 states, Government Watch List, OIG Sanctions list, OFAC list of the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons, Denied Persons List, Palestinian Legislative Council List, FDA Debarment List and county criminal records from 227 counties across the nation. Our Quick Check database is updated monthly.

Why perform this Search?

Although this search is fully FCRA compliant, this product is best used as a pre-screening tool. By requesting the Quick Check you can have results within minutes that let you know if you need to consider another candidate, saving you Time and Money! Due to the variety of records that are all reported together, you will uncover records that may not be found using other products.

Quick Check National Alias Search

What Information is obtained?

Quick Check National Alias search is a multi-faceted search that combines the Quick Check National search with the known aliases provided from a social security number trace report. This search also provides us with all known previous addresses. With a name, date of birth and the candidate’s social security number, Liberty reports the state, and the approximate date, of issuance of the candidate’s social security number. We then run the social security number through the Death Master Index to insure that the social security number provided had not been previously issued to a deceased individual. Next, we run a social security number trace to obtain a list of alias names, including maiden names. We then run all of the names provided from the social security number trace report through our Quick Check National criminal data warehouse.

Quick Check data includes: National Criminal Records search, Statewide Criminal History/Records from 21 states, National Sex Offender Records from 51 states, Department of Correction Records from 43 states, Government Watch List, OIG Sanctions list, OFAC list of the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons, Denied Persons List, Palestinian Legislative Council List, FDA Debarment List and county criminal records from 227 counties across the nation.

Sex Offender Registry Search

What Information is obtained?

Liberty will use the candidate’s full name, and any aliases to search each states respective Sex Offender Registry. This is available in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Liberty provides a national search of these registries via our instant Quick Check National Criminal search.

Why perform this Search?

The individuals contained in these registries are known sexual offenders

Criminal Record Facts
Most persons arrested for criminal offenses have prior arrest records, and many have arrest records in more than one state.
(Federal Bureau of Investigations)As much as 30% of all offenders are "multi-State" offenders; that is, they have both Federal and state records or arrests in more than one state.
(Federal Bureau of Investigations)